CH Stilmoor Summertime Blues JH
CH Stilmoor Wild Blue Yonder  CD JH  WD X CH Heatherbrae's My Foolish Heart
OFA Excellent        CERF             DNA
Dugie was bred to Grace
(CH Tandera's Heirloom)
They produced the "Still" litter
3 boys and 1 girl
Whelped 12/22/07
CH Tri-sett Komicbook Kharacter
DC Beaconfield Captain Fantastic X DC Tri-Sett Zenith Brite Ju-Dee JH CD
OFA Good                 CERF              DNA
Owners:  Dale Chu &
Karen Gatchell - Tri-Sett
Billy bred to Ruby (CH Mary Hill's Blood
Red Ruby JH CGC) produced the
litter, whelped 3/6/2007
This was my first litter using frozen semen
Both Ruby and Billy are Field Trial pointed
To Date:
CH Tandera's Rock the Boat
Winston is the sire of 12 champions to date.  
There are several others that are pointed many
with majors.  His first Great grandkids were
whelped in July.

I  bred Winston to Ruby
(CH Mary Hill's Blood Red Ruby JH CGC)
to produce the
"Ride" litter whelped 1/7/05.  

Winston was bred to RC
(CH Tandera's MoonPie CGC)
the "Ticket" litter was whelped
November 22, 2008
Winston's Champion and Titled Get to date:
CH Blackthorn's Love my Guiness
CH Blackhurst Heck on Wheels JH
CH Blackhurst BBBird Hunter CD JH
CH Good Fortune's Song of Songs JH CGC
CH Good Fortunes's Rose of Sharon
CH Blackthorn All We need is Love
CH Tandera's Knight Rider JH
CH Tandera's The Ride of Your Life NAJ CGC
CH Tandera's Ticket to the Universe
CH Tandera's The Ticket Broker
CH Tandera's Let it Ride

CH Tandera's Ticket for the Dance JH
Rebel was bred to Ellie
(CH Tandera P. S. I Love You JH NAP NJP
"Southern" Litter was whelped 12/9/03
CH Tandera's Song of the South
CH Tandera's MoonPie CGC
CH Tandera Philadelphia Freedom JH NA TT CGC
CH KaDan Lane's MungoJerrie X CH Tandera Fire Stone NA CGC
OFA  Good
Marshall has produced 2 champions to date.  
CH Mary Hill's Blood Red Ruby JH CGC
CH Tandera's Heirloom
Marshall and Daughter Ruby
CH Bramblebush Limited Edition
CH Standish's Skies the Limit X CH Bramblebush Day O'Joy Jamie
OFA Excellent
Occasionally there comes along a breeding that "clicks"
Mungo line bred to Eddie is such a click
So I took my Mungo daughter Miss Monroe -
Tandera Candle in the Wind CD JH NA CGC to Eddie
That produced the
"Beatles" litter
BISS CH Tandera's Ticket to Ride CD RE NJP JH CGC
CH Tandera's P. S. I Love You JH NAP NJP CGC
Tandera Here Comes the Sun CD AX MXJ
Sorry a picture of
Eddie isn't available
CH KaDan Lane's Mungojerrie
CH KaDan Lane's Gaelan Garfield X CH KaDan Lane's I'm a Caution
OFA  Good
Mungo was a multiple group placing special.
He was the #2 Gordon Setter in 1994 at the tender age
of 3 years.
When Mungo was bred to
CH Tandera's Fire Stone NA CGC
the "
Elton John"  litter was whelped 3/20/96
That litter produced
CH Tandera Philadelphia Freedom JH NA TT CGC
Tandera Candle in the Wind JH CD NA CGC
CH Tandera's Crocodile Rock
Tandera The Camera Nevr Lies CD
Brooke was bred to my Foundation Bitch Dixie
(AM/CAN CH Stilmeadows Heart of Dixie AM/CAN CD)
from that mating came
CH Tandera Meet Me in Montana JH CDX TD CGC
CH Tandera's Fire Stone NA CGC
These handsome fellows have helped make it all possible
Marshall was bred to
Rikki   (CH Mary Hills Maureen O'Hara JH).
"Red" litter was whelped 4/29/2000,
Bred to Tandera Candle in the Wind JH, NA CD CGC
the "Memories" litter was whelped 4/23/02
The Sires~
BISS CH Tandera's Ticket to Ride  CD RE NJP JH  CGC
CH Bramblebush Limited Edition X Tandera Candle in the Wind CD NA JH CGC
OFA  Excellent      CERF      DNA
AM/CAN CH Kilt Klans Special Edition
AM/CAN CH Afternod Ace of Lochiel X Kilt Klan Robena
OFA  Good
CH Blackhurst Damn Yankee JH
CH Blackhurst Brigadier JH CD X CH Blackhurst Cliffhanger SH
OFA  Excellent
Owner: Carol Black - Blackhurst Gordon Setters
CH NCM's William Wallace
AM/CAN CH Sealgair Good Lookin' X  CH NCM's Seventh Heaven of Sastya
CHIC     OFA  Fair      Elbows Normal        CERF         rcd4: Clear
William was bred to Sally
(CH Tandera's The Ride of Your Life NA NAJ JH

The "Storm" litter was whelped
October 27, 2012
4 Boys and 1 Girl
GCH Good Fortune's No Greater Treasure
CH Greenglen's Great News X Good Fortune Rose of Sharon
OFA  Excellent     CERF     rcd4 Clear
Bred To
Tandera's On the Rocks OA OAJ CD RE JH CGC
The "Treasure" litter was whelped
July 21, 2012

To date
CH Tandera Treasure Me Always
Tandera's Treasure This JH (pointed)
Tandera Captain's Treasure
GCH Good Fortune's No Greater Treasure X Tandera's On the Rocks OA OAJ CD RE JH
OFA Excellent   Elbows normal    rcd4 genetic clear
Bred to
CH Sastya Stilmoor Stop the Presses at Tandera
The Jazz litter was whelped 4/11/2016
2 boys and 9 girls