CH Tandera's Treasure This JH
GCH Good Fortune's No Greater Treasure X Tandera's On the Rocks RE CD NAJ JH CGC
DOB: 7/21/12
OFA Hips:  Good
Elbows normal
rcd-4:  genetic Clear
Tandera's On the Rocks CD  RE  JH  OA   OAJ  CGC

DOB:  3/6/07-6/10/2019

OFA Hips:  Excellent
Elbows normal
PRA   rcd4: genetic Clear
CH Tri-sett Komicbook Kharacter X CH Maryhills Blood Red Ruby JH CGC
First weekend out
Scotch gets 2 legs with a 95 and 100
and 1st place
at all breed Rally Trial
At her next trial she completes her title
with a 98 and 3rd place
The following day she earns her first
Advanced leg with a 96 and 3rd place

She earned her Rally Advanced title
with back to back 1st Placements

First RE leg and another 1st placement!

title and gets her first 2 legs toward her
CD with a 3rd place.
CH Tandera's Ticket for the Dance JH  CGC
BISS CH Tandera's Ticket to Ride CD RE JH  NJP CGC X CH Tandera's MoonPie CGC
DOB: November 22, 2008
OFA Hips:  Good
Elbows  Normal
PRA  rcd4- Carrier
These Girls
are the hope of the present and the promise of the future
CH Tandera's The Ride of Your Life  JH  NA  NAJ  CGC
DOB: January 7, 2005-June 8, 2017
multiple BOB  over specials

OFA Hips: Excellent
Elbows Normal
rcd4 PRA:  carrier
My Girls~
Sally is WB at the
Gordon Setter Club of Greater Atlanta's
regional specialty in Perry
April 18, 2010
5 Point major
Sally is our newest BBB!!

Sally completed her BBB when
she picked up her 4th and 5th JH
legs at the Greater ATL GS
club's Hunting Tests
Like her father she got some
pretty impressive scores
All 9's and one 8
Sally completes 4 titles in 2010
Her bench Championship
Junior Hunter Field title
Novice Agility Jumpers title
and BBB
Beauty, Brains & BirdSense award
Sally with her litter brother Kit
Sally's much awaited litter has
The Storm litter whelped
4 boys and 1 girl
Gordon Setter Club of America
2013  National Specialty
Chattanooga, TN
6-9 month puppy sweeps
6-9 month Puppy
1st Place
1st JH Leg
GSCA 2013 National Specialty
Scandal and her family
Scandal's Dam with her breeders
Kathy and Rich Black
And C0-Breeder
with Regis
Scotch completes her
Open Agility Jumpers title
with two 1st Placements
and one 2nd Placement
2013 GSCA National
Sophie Tucker
Brenda Starr
First Major
Feb. 2013
Best BBE
BBE Sporting Group I
to Finish Championship
Jan 2014
Gordon Setter Club of America
2014 National Specialty
Oconomowoc, WI
3rd Place in BBE

Great Lakes Specialty
1st Place in BBE

4th JH Leg and Title
CH Sastya Stilmoor Stop the Presses at Tandera CGC
CH Sastya's Kilernan Sorrisi X CH Fieldtalk's First Lady

DOB:  10/7/11
OFA Hips:  Good
Elbows Normal
rcd-4 PRA: Clear
The "Jazz" litter
Scandal was bred to
Tandera Captain's Treasure
9 Girls and 2 Boys born
April 11, 2016
Finishing her Championship
Aug 20, 2015
This Beautiful Girl is now
living as the Princess she is in
Texas with Charles J.
Tandera's She's All Jazz'd Up

CH Tandera Captain's Treasure X CH Sastya Stilmoor Stop the Presses at Tandera

DOB:  April 11, 2016
8 Weeks
Liza's first show
expertly handled by
Alex Wagner
News Flash!!!
Joy has been bred to Owen
We hope to have puppies in April
Cheridan Southern Comfort JH  RATN   CGCA  CGCU
This exciting young boy is Major pointed
Tandera & Cheridan's Rum Boogie
Cheridan Southern Comfort X CH Tandera's Treasure This JH

DOB: 4/18/2018